Monday, October 25, 2010

A little of me

In the spirit of A little red dress blog. Here are answers to some q's: 

Things that I always carry: 
1. Keys
2. Train ticket
3. Iphone and Blackberry 
4. Prescription glasses

Four things that are in my bedroom
1. Books and magazines on my bedside table
2. Wedding photo
3. Orchids from my garden
4. Water

Garden I'd love to have
Four things that I would like to do but haven't done yet
1. The guts and talents to work for myself doing anything
2. A beautiful garden
3. My husband having perfect health
4. An outdoor cat enclosure so my cats don't wander out in a dangerous world

Four things that you don't know about me: 
1. I have an irrational fear of little people/dwarfs chasing me. It's true don't know how I developed it but it scares me
2. I secretly wish I could remotely look like Kim Kardashian
3. Currently set myself a goal (1st one for now) of losing 5 kilos
4. I have a fear of making a fool of myself!

4 things I often wonder
1. Why are people mean to animals?
2. Will my kids be healthy and extraordinarily good looking (zoolander line)?
3. Why do I have hayfever and chronic sinuitis?
4. Will my gardening ever get to a state of self maintenance?

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