Secret doctors business...
Ten's new Offspring series is surprisingly and refreshingly entertaining. The show provides its viewers (who let's face it are mostly female) with a funny narrative at the world of friendships, family and what we all yearn for love.
It's Grey's Anatomy meets Miles and Boon with the story revolving around Dr Nina Proudman (played by Asher Keddie) who plays a slightly off centre, neurotic and daggy doctor. She is warm, charming but yet doesn't know how endearing she really is. Poor Nina falls for her handsome and shy colleague, Dr Chris Havel (played by Don Hany). Oh by the way I think I might have forgotten to mention that Dr Chris has a child and a missing wife who could turn up any second now. She dreams of getting his attention and is often imagining their romance all while fixing family problems, delivery babies and the usual hilarious internal monologues she has.
My verdict for those who haven't checked it out? Its definetly worth a watch. Put the kettle on, get the pjs ready and sit down for an hour of chick feast on tv.
You can watch past episodes online.
Hey lady, you've sold me on this one. I think I'm going to dl and watch on my iPhone on the train... I don't think it's Nik's cup of tea.